Wednesday, July 30, 2008


29JULY08. TUESDAY. Well, talked with the people at work and now I only have to call in daily. So, the intent is to mess around in the finest of fashion with Ryan until Friday. Afterwhich, I hope to hit the road putting us in Florida sometime Saturday. So, what have we don productive today? Not a darn thing. Went to the Lake (it’s closed until Thursday). Same deal with the Pool. Changed about mid-day and hit the movies with Ryan. We say the Get Smart Movie. After the movies we caught a ballgame from the local team. It was a truly enjoyable time. Oh, I almost forgot, we hit the Transportation Museum this morning as well. Kinda for a bit of North Carolina History. And, I bring Ryan kincking and screaming to each museum…Tomorrow, we’re gonna try to hit the Averasboro Battlefield Complex. Will let you know how it goes. Doug and Ryan.

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