Monday, July 7, 2008


7JUL08. MONDAY. So, today was chosen as the day have a BBQ in Celebration of the 4th of July. If you recall, we were promised some Hamburgers and Hotdogs only to find our “Order” was given to some other unit. Thus, our “order” was unavailable. Needless to say today was selected as a make-up day to recognize the 4th of July. Promised was a feast of Chicken, Steak, Hamburgers and Hotdogs. All topped-off with watching the Movie “Independence Day”. This is where expectation management plays a huge role. What was delivered were chicken patties, spare ribs, as well as the hotdogs and burgers. All the above were dry. And, I mean very, very dry. The Movie? Well, seems the movie “Independence Day” could not be found. So, we watched “Superbad” instead. Still, all in all, it was a great way to spend an hour or so. Now that those festivities are over, it’s back to work. Will update when I can. Doug

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