Monday, June 2, 2008


2JUN08. MONDAY. The Graduation Party/Ceremony and subsequent Lock-in was a success. The Old Model-T Ford Hot Rod failed to start. So, Kristen had to quickly call a friend for a ride to the Ceremony. Terri was telling me the Temperature at the Stadium was pretty hot. The family actually sat on the Visitor’s side of the field. So, the sun was not in their eyes. Terri lucked out and took some videos of Kristen receiving her Diploma. Kendall (niece) was pretty good throughout the event. After the ceremony, the families were allowed onto the field. Tears of Joy were shed when Shannon (Kristen’s younger sister) ran, embraced, and congratulated Kristen “Making it”. After the Ceremony on the Football Field, Kristen and her friends went to OOPs Alley (Bowling Joint) for an All-Night Lock-in. There she messed around with here friends. I understand she made it home at 6:30am this morning. And, she was very hoarse sounding. When I called this evening, the family was sitting around the front yard reminiscing about the events of last night. Well, I’ll certainly live the moment from the stories and pictures. Here, it the SOSDD. Doug

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