Monday, January 28, 2008


28JAN08. Monday. Well, today's weather was prety mild. No harsh wind, no sleet, or snow. But, I know that will change. Still have the Crud - Although I sounds like I'm blowing bubbles when I breath. What's refreshing are the other people who also have the Crud now. So, I'm not the only guy hacking up a lung. I figure in a couple more months, I'll be over it. Ha Ha. Well, I know this makes great dinner conversation maerial. Will update when I can. Doug

1 comment:

Sharon Brock said...

Hey big brother-
Miss and love you- Will be sending out a package on Saturday...maybe some hot cocoa?--- Trevor includes you and the family in our prayers...we all do. Another of Trevor's teeth just came out..."Tooth fairy need to dip into the saving account"---the little one is requesting my attention in her language which is, "WA, WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"--must go. I LOVE YOU --Sharon